My 5 BEST Pieces of Advice For My 10-Year-Old Self: Social Media Edition!
As a 10-year-old, I had no idea how much social media would shape and influence the things around me. Today I have assembled my five of what I think are my best pieces of advice to cover all of the areas in which social media affected me growing up. This is my blueprint for success. Although, I’m still always learning daily, so anything here could change with the times.
Without further ado, let’s get into it —
To Younger Alex —
From Future Alex —
My Five Best Pieces of Advice!
1- The Keys to a Blessed Social Life
Get out there and practice as much as possible!
When my age group starting using social media platforms, I was in middle school. I was already a shy kid and I noticed already that I had a much easier time socializing through texting and messaging online. My real-life social skills could’ve been much more improved if I spent less time messaging, and more time going out and socializing. My advice would be to go out there and practice socializing as much as you can.
2- Spiritual Knowledge
Make sure to love what you do during the day, get to know real life!
This next lesson is one that I’ve learned this year while being on lockdown. I noticed how much screen time I ended up accumulating daily. It’s way more than necessary. I look at nature and the sun shining outside and I think to myself, wow life is so beautiful, I wish I could enjoy it more. My advice for becoming truly happy and spiritually fulfilled is to find things that you love to do and do them every day. Dedicate time every day for getting sunlight, getting active, getting sleep, eating well, meditation, and having fun. These are all priorities because our mentality shapes our reality.
3- Romance & Dating
Push yourself past your shyness, connect on a real level so much faster!
My first three girlfriends all came from a social media communication. With my first ever girlfriend, I was so shy I could barely talk to her at school or feel comfortable around her. I was so nervous in real life and I only felt comfortable behind a screen. This was the worst feeling. My advice for romance is to keep it as in-person as you possibly can. The progression in romance can happen so much faster and it becomes so much more meaningful.
4- Make Your Social Media Work
Keep your image thoughtful and sophisticated!
Social Media can impact real-life connections as well as even jobs. Thank goodness this hasn’t been an issue for me. Learning through the mistakes of others is incredibly important. In the news, people have been getting in trouble for things that they did on social media, losing jobs, losing friends, etc. Although I’ve never messed up in this category, it is good to know. My advice is to keep your social media profiles as PG as possible. The golden rule is to only post if you wouldn’t mind your younger family members seeing it.
5- Success in Life
Always make sure to stay dedicated and focused!
The key is to use social media as a tool to help you out, rather than to let it take control of your well being. Stay focused on what works for you, what makes you successful, and what makes you happy. Form habits, set goals, always learn new things. The four pillars of self-improvement are Health, Wealth, Relationships, and Happiness. Use social media to further those four pillars. Stay focused and dedicated to your self-improvement and you’ll be able to see the results everywhere.
Best Wishes to Younger Alex!
Thanks for reading!
- Alex